I was reading an article in the New York Times yesterday about the Congressional Race in New York's 23rd district. There is a three way race: Bill Owens - Democrat, Douglas Hoffman - Conservative Party, Dede Scozzafaza - Republican.
It is alarming to me that people, who are supposedly in the know, think that electing someone with the desired label next to their name is all that is needed when that person's beliefs and record show that they have little in common with their label. In this case, Dede Scozzafaza has been endorsed by Newt Gingrich who believes that the Republican party must prioritize getting its numbers up. I think Newt is wrong. We must first take a stand for our principles. Compromising our principles is not a way to win support but to become obsolete as an option.
Why should I or any other conservative vote for a person/label who doesn't and won't support my principles, beliefs, and values? I would think that Mr. Gingrich would have learned a lesson by the example of Senator Arlen Specter who happily took Republican money and endorsements but switched labels when it was beneficial for himself.
I agree with Sarah Palin when she wrote on facebook, "Unfortunately, the Republican Party today has decided to choose a candidate who more than blurs the lines, and there is no real difference between the Democrat and the Republican in this race. This is why Doug Hoffman is running on the Conservative Party's ticket."
Doug Hoffman says that he values "smaller government, less taxes, fiscal responsibility and not spending money you don’t have". I think a lot more of our senators and representatives need to learn some fiscal responsibility - especially since it is NOT their money that they are wasting.
One may wonder what some other district's election has to do with anything. My answer is that each of the elected members of Congress vote on laws concerning all Americans, not just their own district. What can you do? You can spread the word and you can support Hoffman's campaign.
Send a message to Washington: We are silent no more.