Some think that you can't vote based on a single issue. I believe that if that issue is protecting the lives of innocent people, it's a powerful enough issue to stand alone; however, if you read my first post, you'll see that I've addressed several issues.
Most economists, including democrats, agree that if you raise taxes in a struggling economy it could grind that economy to a stop. So it goes to follow, even if the economy is strong a raise in taxes makes it less so. The liberal democrats in Congress are already drooling over the taxes they want to raise.
Senator Obama says he wants to give tax cuts to 95% of people but that math doesn't work. 45% of people don't even pay income tax. Despite of what Obama claims, it's on record that he voted to raise taxes on people making $42,000 by repealing the tax cuts they already have. Now giving money to people that don't pay taxes is wealth redistribution or as Obama shared, "spread the wealth around."
Obama has said that because things are the way they are, he won't be able to do all that he has said he'll do. I have yet to hear what he's cutting back on. Which programs won't happen? They only thing I've heard change is the income amount that he plans to tax.
Barack Obama wants to raise taxes on people making $250,000 (or $200,000 or $150,000 or $120,000) a year. Most of these people are the people with small businesses, working hard and supplying jobs for others. If they are only able to keep 38 cents on the dollar, how many people do you think they will be able to continue to employ?
Energy independence is of utmost importance to our economy and our national security. Barack Obama claims that "We can't drill our way out of this.", "they can build their coal powered plants but they will be bankrupted by the fees I will impose on their greenhouse gas" "under my plan, electricity prices will necessarily skyrocket". This summer, Obama said he wished the gas prices hadn't risen so quickly but there wasn't any indication that he was against the price being $4.00 a gallon. Don't drill, stop using coal, electricity prices will skyrocket -- just what does Obama want to do? Tax us more on energy, that's what. Meanwhile, we're still dependent on oil from foreign countries instead of lessening that dependence by using our own oil, natural gas and coal with which our land is so richly blessed.
So when Obama bankrupts the coal industry, job losses explode because of massive taxes on "the rich", how will our economy be? With more people out of work, more unemployment benefits will have to be paid. How will so many more unemployment benefits be paid for? I guess he'll have to raise taxes again which of course will result in less jobs and more costs passed on to the consumers.
When people in government want to raise any costs and/or taxes on companies, those companies make up the difference by passing the costs on to the consumers. When minimum wage goes, every thing in the store or restaurant goes up by at least a dime. For those making minimum wage, the "raise" they just got is spent on higher prices. When businesses' electricity bills skyrocket as Obama has stated they will under his plan, business will pass the cost on to you. You will already be struggling to pay your own electricity bill.
There are so many aspects as to why Barack Obama's policies are bad for our economy that I can't list them all here.
I think government should be responsible in its spending habits, cut back on excesses. When government leaves Americans with more of their own income, people grow the economy, create business and jobs that in turn allow more Americans to better themselves and grow the economy. Americans are generous! We love to give. Americans have ingenuity! We love to come up with new ways to make things work better. Let's not suppress the American spirit to work hard.
Bro lu udah pada tau kan tentang slot qris
11 months ago
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